Monday, November 22, 2010

The Day is Almost Here

The Monday before Thanksgiving is sort of like the first ride on an unfamiliar rollercoaster. You’re excited and kinda scared at the same time. Much anticipation fills the house as we plan our menu and invite our guests. However part of the planning is reserving the room in the fridge for all of the food parcels which will arrive on the big day. So, on this Monday, even though I know darn well that this is a good thing, I open the door to an empty refrigerator. After the gasps and heart palpitations subside, I tell myself that everything is alright and that this is a good thing.  The turkey is now in there thawing along with a jug of water, quart of milk and a half-bottle of Pinot-Grigio.  I must think of Thursday, think of Thursday, think of Thursday. The golden, roasted turkey, mashed taters, gravy, corn bread dressing and custard pie (all specialties of Michelle). There will be a salad, and a veggie-type thing and desserts that our guests offered to bring to the party. 

And the sandwiches, oh the sandwiches. 

There – I feel better.

1 comment:

  1. We can't wait for either! My Dad is making his amazing Buttermilk Pie and my mouth is already watering, just thinking about it. :D
